- type the text below, this will point to the directory where the repositoiry will be cloned
- hit enter
- copy paste the text below, this will clone the 00_core repository
git clone git@gitlab.zhdk.ch:iaspace/infrastructure/00_core_winall 00_core
- hit enter
- copy paste the text below, it will enter into the newly created 00_core directory
cd 00_core
- hit enter
- copy paste the text below, it will update all the submodules for the first time
git submodule update --init --recursive
- hit enter
- copy paste the text below, it will update the submodules and create necessary shortcuts
- hit enter
From now onward, when ever you want to update the 00_core folder to the most current state you simply need to
cd 00_core
If you desire to use Sourcetree to admin the repos and use the ssh key, you need to
- Menu > Tools > Option > General
- SSH Client Configuration
- SSH Client: OpenSSH
- SSH Key: Naviagate to C:\Users\<username>\.ssh\id_ecdsa
- SSH Client Configuration