Scanning with Faro

This Tutorial tries to show the most important steps to successfully capture pointclouds, register them and export them into the desired format for further use.

Using the Faro Focus scanner with its dedicated tripod (inside a blue lined bag)

User Manual and Quick Start Guide

Best Practices brings you up to speed..

When inserting a new memory card you might have to format it first before the scanner will accept it.

  • Import the resulting files from the memory card with ‘select folder to import’. This will import all the scans together. This will take some time (a lot of time).
  • Once all scanns are imported just click on ‘register’
  • Once the scanns are registered, export the pointcloud in the E57 format

The opensource software CloudCompare is the prefered tool for this.

  • Open CloudCompare
  • Menu > File > Open > point to the E57 file

If the pointcloud consists of multiple scans you need first to merge them.

  • Select all the scans inside the ‘DB Tree’ panel
  • Menu > Edit > Merge
  • delete scalar fields: Menu > Edit > Scalar Fields > Delete All
  • reduce points: Menu > Edit > sampling
    • Method: Octree
    • subdivision level: 12 or less
  • select the new subsampled pointcloud and check inside ‘Properties’ if the amount of points are acceptable
  • if yes, export: Menu > File > Save > Select the desired type
    • PLY: ideally as BINARY fir use inside blender
Last updated bymartin froehlich