Network Drive Shares

This article explains how to share a Windows Folder (usually the Data drive) for other computers in the same network.

Network Settings

First of all you have to check if the network sharing settings are configured appropriately. Go to the Advanced sharing settings:

Open the windows search and type in advanced sharing settings. Check if the settings are set accordingly:

Network discovery should be turned on, as well as file and print sharing.
Turn off password protected sharing (to allow anonymous access).
Make sure that your network adapter is running in private network mode.

Share Folder

To share a folder right click on the folder or drive and open the Properties. Go to the Sharing tab and click Advanced Sharing..

Enable Share this folder and give it a name. If you want to hide it (not shown as shared drive), add a $ sign at the end. Then click on Permissions.

Add the Everyone and ANONYMOUS LOGON group, and give them Full Control.

Now click OK and go back to the Properties of the Folder. Head over to the Security Tab and add the Everyone Group there too with Read & Write Access.

Congratulations, you’ve successfully shared a drive with everyone.

Access Share

Just use the following link: \\computer-name\shared-folder

Last updated bymartin froehlich