Moby focus drift correction

Depending on the amount of white pixel content, Moby can have important temperature differences that directly influence its focus length. Barco implemented a shift correction that adapts this length depending on the calculated white amount.

Before you start the shift correction:

  • Let Moby run for at least one hour. If you don’t actively need it during this time, project the chess board test pattern (50% white)
  • Set the image like mentioned here
  • Open the Barco projector toolset and connec to to Moby
  • Go to the wrench tool (1) and select ‘Run Focus Drift Wizard’ (2)
  • Follow the indications of the Focus Drift Wizard. IMPORTANT: the duration of steps 2 and 3 are currently set to 2 minutes. Wait at least for 15 minutes in order to stabilize the image temperature.
  • After completion of step 3, make sure that the ‘Focus Drift’ option is toggled on.
Last updated bymartin froehlich