
  • Output a value of a node to a CHOP > Null node and from this Null node to the destination node. This ensures that you can add different other nodes in between and you do not have to reconnect the parameters
  • Check performance by Rightclick > Info… or Middleclick on Node to check how much cook time it needs and how complex (points, vertices, etc.) it has.
  • Do not transform 3D objects directly (bad performance, because every point of 3D objects, will be transfored). Better output 3D object into COMP>Geometry node and transform this node.
  • TOP: 2D objects
  • CHOP: Channel Operators or signal generators
  • SOP: Surface Operators (3D)
  • MAT: Materials
  • DAT: Data operators
  • H Home (show all)
  • SHIFT+H Home Object (focus selected object)
  • TAB Show Operators
  • P Show Property Editor
  • A Activate Node
  • W Wireframe Mode

gateCHOPComp takes a chop input and passes it to only one of n outputs, similar to what an inverse SwitchCHOP would do.

    Last updated bymartin froehlich