Motive 3.x

Motive is the software designed to handle the motion capture systems for various tracking applications. Motive allows us to calibrate and configure the system and provides the interfaces for capturing and processing 3D data. The captured data can be both recorded or live-streamed to other software.

Motive obtains 3D information by calculating what the camera see, also call reconstruction, which is the process of compiling multiple 2D images of markers to obtain 3D coordinates.

Using 3D coordinates from tracked markers, Motive can obtain 6 Degrees of Freedom (3D position and orientation) data for multiple rigid bodies and skeletons, and enable tracking of complex movements in 3D space.

We use an optical motion capture system, where multiple synchronized cameras are installed around our capture volume, 2D images are captured in real-time from each camera, while 2D positions of the markers are calculated, and the overlapping position data are compared to compute the 3D positions via triangulation.​

Each camera illuminates with Infrared (IR) LEDs to increase the visibility of the markers and therefore increase the camera-to-marker range.​

Motive distinguishes different objects and people by recognizing the uniqueness of the marker arrangement. When an asset is created, the spatial relationships between markers are recorded and used to identify and differentiate multiple people or objects. When two or more objects or people are about the same size and shape, it is beneficial to offset one or more markers (e.g. waist markers) so Motive can differentiate between them.

Motive 3.0 official documentation.


Create a new session inside the IAS projects folder on the internal drive D:


See Setup on Motive 2.x


Last updated bystella speziali