Streaming Motive rigid bodies to Ambisonic Audio in Reaper via Max/MSP

Streaming data from Motive to Max/MSP

  1. Set up Motive to send rigid body information (see the Data Streaming section in Motive for how to do this).
  2. Once registering the rigid body ID, inside Motive, make sure to use the same rigid body ID in Max/MSP (the default IDs expected from the Max/MSP patch are 1, 2, 3, & 4).
  3. Run the appropriate NatNet2OSC script or Telemersive Gateway to stream mocap data to the audio computer.

Receiving data in Max/MSP

  1. Open route_rigid_body_data_to_ambi_plugin_v02  in Max/MSP. This Max/MSP patch can be found on the audio computer inside ?.
  2. Verify that you have the OSC IN box in the upper left checked to receive OSC data from Motive.
  3. Verify that the correct INPUT PORT # is selected (default 54321).
  4. Set up to 4 rigid bodies to be forwarded to Reaper by setting the RIGID BODY A/B/C/D#: at the top of each box.
  5. Verify that ROTATE POSITION is set to 90° for each rigid body.
  6. Verify that each RIGID BODY NAME IN PLUGIN is set to a unique string (that doesn’t begin with a number), i.e. s1, s2, s3, & s4.  Take note of these names, as they must match the names in Reaper.

Last updated bystella speziali